Things People Typically Do While On Vacation!

It starts with drinking at the airport!

When we’re on vacation, we tend to do things we won’t typically do at home. The majority of us haven’t been away in two years, so when we go- we’re going to live it up!



For example, a new study reveals that we’ll wear our bathing suits as underwear, chat with strangers, have dessert every day and steal the toiletries from the hotel.



Related: Top Things We Forget To Take On Vacation…



The best part of a vacation is stepping out of your normal!

The list of holiday moments features lots of food and fashion-related scenarios which reflect how people become more carefree on their holidays, showing a positive behaviour change.


  1.      Dining out every day

2.            Drinking alcohol at the airport

3.            Not worrying about money

4.            Drinking alcohol before midday

5.            Staying up later than usual

6.            Having dessert every day

7.            Eating cheese and cold meats for breakfast

8.            Wearing swimwear instead of underwear

9.            “Stealing” the toiletries from the hotel

10.          Making ‘holiday friends’ with random people

