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This Is How Many Times We Say "No" To Our Kids!

Too much! LOL!
Published June 16, 2022
Too much! LOL!

Ever feel like your entire vocabulary revolves around a single, soul-crushing word? Parents, you're not alone. A recent study revealed the staggering number of times we utter the dreaded "no" to our children: a whopping 8,395 times a year!

That's right, between the bedtime battles, the sugar sprees we intercept, and the constant stream of requests at the store, we become experts in the art of denial.

But wait, there's more! The survey also found that those 23 "no's" we dole out daily are just the tip of the iceberg.

Apparently, dads are the reigning champions of both "yes" and "no," while moms tend to stick more firmly to the negative. And let's not forget the two-thirds of us who find ourselves repeating the same "no" over and over again, like a broken record (because sometimes, kids just need a good lesson in perseverance...right?).

So why the negativity?

It turns out, we're not just out to squash their fun. Over half of us are simply trying to instill the valuable lesson that not everything in life comes easy.

The rest of us are on a mission to avoid raising spoiled rotten little emperors (or empresses).

But fear not, weary parents, there's a light at the end of the tunnel!

The study also revealed that we actually say "yes" more often than "no" - a comforting 8,800 times a year, to be exact.

The "yeses" might sometimes be out of pure convenience (who wants to deal with a meltdown in the cereal aisle?), but a significant portion of us also use them to empower our kids and give them a sense of control.

There's even a small group of those adventurous souls who attempt the "yes parent" approach, showering their offspring with positivity day in and day out. (Bless their hearts.)

Now, let's talk about the real struggle: those requests that tug at our hearts (and our sanity).

Apparently, snacks outside of mealtimes, co-sleeping marathons, and the ever-present homework procrastination are the Mount Everests of denial for most parents.

But here's the good news: we're not alone in this battle. The majority of us agree that a steady diet of "yes" breeds spoiled little monsters, with the terrible twos taking the cake as the age of peak defiance.

And for those of us who struggle to maintain a united front, there's always the "good cop, bad cop" routine. Just remember, tag-teaming the "no" might not win you any parent-of-the-year awards from your kids, but it might just save your sanity, your eardrums, and maybe even your relationship.

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