This Is What We're Buying For Valentine's Day!

People say "it's the thought that counts" for birthdays and Christmas . . . and they may or may not mean it. For Valentine's Day, that sentiment actually DOES fly for most people.
The National Retail Federation just released a survey showing the top seven things Americans are buying for Valentine's Day . . . and even though Valentine's Day is TOMORROW, there's still time to buy most of them. Here's the list:
1. Candy. Probably something special . . . not like Sour Patch Kids.
2. Greeting cards. Just pick one with the right tone, and write a note inside.
3. Flowers. It may be too late to have flowers sent, but you can pick them up.
4. An evening out. A little thoughtful planning can REALLY go a long way.
5. Jewelry. If you know what they like . . . otherwise it's a pricey impulse buy.
6. Clothing. This is another one that's more challenging to pick out, last minute.
7. A gift certificate. Just pair it with a card with a nice, personal note.
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