Would You Rent A Hotel Room To Wrap Your Holiday Presents?

Holiday hack!

Do you wait to wrap all your gifts on Christmas Eve?  Here’s a more relaxing way to do it.  A mom on TikTok is going viral for planning her third annual gift-wrapping getaway at a HOTEL.

She books a room for herself and leaves her kids at home.  That way, she’s got no distractions and doesn’t have to be sneaky with it.  It also doubles as a weekend getaway just when she needs one, at the most stressful time of the year.


She booked two nights last year, watched TV while she wrapped, ordered take-out, and drank a few beers.

People online are embracing the idea and coming up with tweaks.  For example, you could make it more affordable by joining up with a few other parents and renting an Airbnb together.