What the Heck is a ‘Shoey’?

Cue the collective “ew.”
Celebrating milestones with a drink is nothing new, but the shoey takes this to a whole new (and questionable) level. If you’re not familiar with the term, a shoey is exactly what it sounds like: pouring booze into a shoe and drinking it. Yes, really.
A Tradition That’s as Gross as It Is Old
The origins of the shoey are, unsurprisingly, bizarre. According to Yahoo News, this unappetizing tradition dates back to 1902 in a Chicago brothel. The story goes that Prince Henry of Prussia was partying when a dancer’s slipper fell off mid-routine. Naturally, someone decided to fill it with Champagne and take a swig. And thus, the shoey was born.
By World War I, German soldiers had adopted their own version of the shoey, drinking from a boot before battle for good luck. Nothing says "let’s win this war" like downing a beverage laced with foot sweat.
Fast forward to today, and the shoey has found a home in the running community. Runners now mark personal records or finish lines by chugging beer from their sneakers—often right after a race when their shoes are at peak grossness.
Not Just Icky—It’s a Health Hazard
Let’s talk about why this is not just a questionable life choice but also a health risk. Running shoes are like petri dishes for sweat, bacteria, fungi, and road grime. After a race, all that nastiness gets stirred into the drink, increasing the risk of exposure to harmful pathogens.
One particularly gross possibility? Athlete’s foot. The fungus that causes it loves to hang out in warm, damp environments like the inside of a shoe. Even worse, it’s highly contagious, spreading through contact with infected items like shoes, socks, or even sheets. And if you’re borrowing someone else’s footwear for your shoey? Congratulations, you just upped your odds of infection.
The Bottom Line
Sure, the shoey might be a fun (albeit revolting) way to celebrate, but is it worth risking a fungal infection for a few laughs? We’ll let you decide. If you’re looking to toast your accomplishments, might we suggest a regular glass?
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