$1,000 Minute February 2nd
How many can you get?

- Who was the first black professional hockey player to play in the NHL?
Answer: Willie O'Ree
- What is the name of the Hunter Arch nemesis of Bugs Bunny in the Lonney Tunes?
Elmer Fudd
- True or False: The groundhog is a member of the squirrel family?
Answer: True
- This SNL Alum and Ghostbuster stars in the Movie Groundhog Day?
Bill Murray
- Spell Gibberish?
Answer: G-I-B-B-E-R-I-S-H
- Today is February 2nd, how many more sleeps is there until March 1st?
Answer: 28
- Three Canadian Cities have hosted an Olympics, Vancouver, Calgary and…?
Answer: Montreal (1976)
- Donald Duck has three nephews. Name one of them?
Answer Huey, Dewey and Louis
- Which house was Harry Potter almost sorted into?
Answer: Slytherin
- What does RPM stand for on your Dashboard in your car?
Answer: Revolutions per minute
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