$1000 Minute: Friday, June 21st

How did you do this morning?

  1. What Sport is Tom Brady known for playing?

  1. Besides the Radio and before the Cassette deck, what music technology was predominant in cars?
    8 Track               

  1. What type of movie theatre allows you to watch films from the comfort of your car?

  1. Julie Andrews sings the song DO -RE- MI in what movie?
    The Sound of Music

  1. The Somba, Rumba and Jive are all types of what?
    Ballroom Dance styles (dance styles will also be accepted)

  1. What Canadian musical trio was known for performing the children’s song “Skidamarink”?
    Sharon, Lois and Brahm

  1. How many Canadian teams have there been in the NBA to date?
    (The Toronto Raptors and the Vancouver Grizzlies)

  1. If Amy had 3 cups daily in June, how many coffees did she have throughout the month?

  1. “I Am” is a new Prime Video Documentary about this Canadian Singer.
    Celine Dion

  1. In the Nursery Rhyme “Little Miss Muffet,” what frightened Miss Muffet away?
    A spider