$1,000 Minute January 23rd
How many can you get?

- MJ had some chocolates. She gave 12 to Amy. Now MJ only has 54 chocolates. How many chocolates did MJ have to begin with?
Answer: 66
- Where are M&M’s said not to melt?
Answer Your Hands
- How long is a fortnight?
Answer: 2 weeks (14 days)
- Which animal is used for the Porsche logo?
- What is the name of the official national anthem of the United States of America
Answer: Star Spangled Banner
- Who is the oldest Kardashian sister?
Answer: Kourtney
- Which Margaret Atwood novel turned screen adaption features women dressed in red gowns?
Answer: Handmaid’s Tale
- Spell definitely
Answer: D-E-F-I-N-I-T-E-L-Y
- In the Harry Potter series what is the name of Harry’s red headed best friend?
Answer: Ron Weasley
- What tradition is observed and celebrated every year on February 2nd in North America?
Answer: Groundhog Day
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