$1,000 Minute Game
Mon, June 27th - 2PM
- What platform did Justin Bieber first get discovered on?
2. What is the Northernmost American state?
3. Name the NHL team that won the 2022 Stanley Cup Final last night.
(Colorado Avalanche)
4. What do you call the rotating rod a rotisserie is cooked on?
5. The perimeter of a circle is called the what?
6. Which company is also the name of one of the longest rivers in the world?
7. SPELL: Parmesan.
(P A R M E S A N)
8. What was the name of the alien in The Flintstones animated series?
(The Great Gazoo)
9. What object is said to bring 7 years of bad luck if broken?
10. What type of animal is a Kiwi?
(Bird/Flightless Bird)
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