$1000 Minute: Monday, March 17th

1. Who is on the Canadian $20 bill?
Queen Elizabeth II (Will accept just Queen Elizabeth/The Queen)
2. Meredith, Derek, Christina, and Alex were all doctors on this hit TV show!
Greys Anatomy
3. What sport was Bobby Orr famous for playing?
4. A saxophone is a part of what instrument family?
Woodwind (even though it is made of brass)
5. Selena Gomez launched this cosmetic company in 2020.
Rare Beauty
6. This owl app helps users learn other languages.
7. Harper Lee wrote Atticus Finch into existence in this novel.
To Kill A Mockingbird
8. What is the name of the spring toy used for jumping while in a standing position?
Pogo Stick
9. Which country is closest to Ontario; Iceland, Sweden, or Greece?
10. If Charlie gains 150 followers each day in a week, how many new followers will she have by the end of the week?
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