$1,000 Minute Questions: June 10th 9am

1) What bird is a predator by nature and the national emblem of the United States?
(Bald Eagle)
2) What natural material is most commonly used in making glass?
3) SPELL: Hygiene.
(H Y G I E N E)
4) How many provinces make up the maritimes?
(3 - New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. NOT Newfoundland and Labrador - all 4 is referred to as Atlantic Canada)
5) Name the 1985 song that climbed the charts after part one of ‘Stranger Things’ season 4 debuted on May 27th.
(Running Up That Hill)
6) In traditional indoor volleyball, how many players per team are on the court at one time?
7) In 1908, what three letters became recognized as the universal distress signal?
8) What time is 5PM on a 24-hour clock?
9) What is Kramer’s first name on Seinfeld?
10) What tree nut is used to make marzipan?
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