$1000 Minute Thursday, April 9th

1) What type of fish, is Nemo from the movie 'Finding Nemo'? (Clownfish)
2) ‘Taste The Rainbow’ is a slogan used for which candy brand? (Skittles)
3) TRUE OR FALSE: The Praying Mantis is the only known insect which can turn its head. (True)
4) NAME the award winning sitcom that aired its series finale last night on ABC after 11 seasons. (Modern Family)
5) What is the capital of Greece? (Athens)
6) SPELL: Rhythm. (R-H-Y-T-H-M)
7) It would have been Hugh Hefner's birthday today. Which magazine was he the founder of? (Playboy)
8) How many valves does a trumpet have? (Three)
9) NAME the major golf tournament that was originally scheduled for this weekend in Georgia. (The Masters)
10) Which planet is also known as the Red planet? (Mars)
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