$1000 Minute: Thursday, June 20th
How did you do today?

- How many Dogs total were in the Disney Movie about white dogs with black spots?
- Italian immigrant Ettore Boiardi (Boy R Dee) founded and sold this American brand of canned pasta.
Chef Boyardee
- Which actor portrayed Captain Jack Sparrow?
Johnny Depp
- What candy bar has a similar name to a baseball player, even though it wasn't named after him?
Baby Ruth
- What superhero is said more powerful than a locomotive?
- What dance craze swept the world following the release of the same-name song by Spanish pop duo Los del Río?
“The Macarena”
- Who spoke the famous “I Have a Dream” speech?
Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Claustrophobia is a fear of what?
Fear of enclosed spaces
- School ends for most elementary students in Simcoe County on June 27. Counting today how many more days of school are left?
- On what street did the Muffin man live on?
Drury Lane
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