$1000 Minute: Thursday, March 20th

- Who is Canada’s Prime Minister?
Mark Carney
- What is the name for when parents give their kids weekly money to complete their chores?
- What side of the road do we drive on in North America?
The Right
- What type of dog was Lady in Disney’s Lady and the Tramp?
A Cocker Spaniel
- What does the expression C’est la vie mean?
That’s Life/ Such is life
- Leonardo Di Vinci’s Mona Lisa can be found in what city?
Paris France (it’s in the Louvre Museum located in Paris, France)
- What is the official name of the green bin?
Organic waste Bin/ Compost Bin
- Foreman, Kelso, Donna and Jackie are characters from what TV Sitcom?
That 70’s Show
- How many spaces are there on a Tic Tac Toe Board?
- What is 87-49?
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