$1000 Minute Thursday, May 28th

1) What colour is grenadine syrup?
2) Mel B from the Spice Girls celebrates a birthday tomorrow. What nickname did she go by in the 90s’ girl group?
(Scary Spice)
3) What kind of angle is formed by the hands of a clock at 3 o clock?
(Right Angle/90 Degree Angle)
4) Veruca, Augustus, Mike, and Violet are all characters from what novel based movie?
(Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory/Charlie & the Chocolate Factory)
5) If someone has Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, what part of the body is affected?
6) SPELL: Syndrome.
(S Y N D R O M E)
7) If you buy one dozen apples and eat one third of them on the way home, how many did you eat?
8) What is a spider’s web made out of?
9) The acronym SWAT stands for Special Weapons and WHAT?
10) The Golden Gate Bridge is located in which California City?
(San Francisco)
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