$1000 Minute: Thursday, October 3rd
How did you do this morning?

- According to Pixar’s Inside Out, what colour is associated with the “Anger” emotion?
- According to the old wives tale, you needed to wait 30 minutes after eating before doing this.
- In Hocus Pocus, what was the last name of the Witch sisters?
- In a standard deck of cards, not counting jokers how many cards are red?
- What soft cheese is typically used when making lasagna?
- Canada is credited with producing roughly 85% of the world's supply of this.
Maple syrup
- How many points is a touchdown worth in Canadian Football?
- What did the CD stand for in CD ROM?
Compact Disc
- Which medicine uses the slogan, "It tastes awful. And it works!
- This is usually layered on top of a traditional Shepherd’s Pie.
Mash Potatoes
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