$1000 Minute: Tuesday, January 21st

- The Buffalo Bills are advancing to the AFC Conference finals and will be taking on this team that Taylor Swift’s boyfriend plays for.
The Kansas City Chiefs
- According to the Nursery Rhyme, “I’m a Little Teapot” when does the teapot Shout?
When it gets all steamed up
- Which fast food chain uses the slogan "Finger Licking Good"
KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken)
- What icy treat, popular at fairs and carnivals, is made by shaving ice and topping it with flavoured syrup?
Snow Cone
- How many Canadian provinces are the Rocky Mountains in?
2 (British Colombia and Alberta)
- RSVP is an abbreviation for a French phrase that means what in English?
Please Respond/Respond Please
- In what subject, might you use the following school supplies, Compass, Graph Paper and a Ruler?
Math Class (Geometry)
- If you eat Tums, chances are you’re suffering from this.
Acid reflux, Heartburn or indigestion.
- If 1 quart is equal to 2 pints, how many pints would you have if you ordered 6 quarts?
12 pints
- What is the name of the Ski Hill located in Barrie Ontario?
Snow Valley
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