1.) In the movie ‘The Wizard of Oz’, what did the Scarecrow want from the wizard? (A Brain)
2.) Do Leopards have spots or stripes? (Spots)
3.) How many corners are on 3 squares? (3x4 = 12)
4.) Backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly are all terms used in what sport? (Swimming)
5.) What Natural disaster is measured with a Richter scale? (Earthquakes)
6.) SPELL: Disaster. (D I S A S T E R)
7.) What term is used for someone that can use both hands with equal skill? (Ambidextrous)
8.) The Broadway musical Mamma Mia is based on the music of what band? (ABBA)
9.) The Ikea brand originated in which Country? (Sweden)
10.) What colour is grenadine syrup? (Red)
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