$1000 Minute: Tuesday, June 25th

How did you do today?

  1. Who is the 2024 Stanley Cup Champions
    Florida Panthers

  1. What Colour is Sonic the Hedgehog?

  1. What is referred to as the Happiest Place on Earth?
    Disneyland (Disneyworld is called the most Magical Place on Earth)

  1. What has a gravitational pull so strong that even light cannot escape it?
    A Black Hole

  1. Which bird lays the largest egg?
    An Ostrich

  1. Which bottling company Distributes 7-UP?
    Pepsi Co 

7)   Sarah went to the store with $20. She bought 3 notebooks, each costing $4, and 2 pens, each costing $2. How much money does Sarah have left after her shopping trip?

  1. True or False, the Berlin Wall fell in 1991?
    False it fell in 1989 The Berlin Wall fell on 9 November 1989

  1. Which Apollo mission saw the first man land on the moon?
    Apollo 11

  1. What does the T in lgbtq2s+?