Wednesday, June 15th – 2PM 1.) Arabica and Robusta are both types of what bean? […]

Wednesday, June 15th – 2PM

1.) Arabica and Robusta are both types of what bean?


What is the name of a triangle with all equal sides?

(Equilateral Triangle)

Who sings the hit song ‘Girls Just Want to Have Fun’?

(Cyndi Lauper)

Which Alice in Wonderland character shouted ‘Off with his head!’?

(The Queen of Hearts)

In Hockey, if a player gets three goals in one game, this is called a what?

(Hat trick)

The fizz that bubbles up when you crack open a can of pop is known as what type of gas?

(Carbon Dioxide)
What cooking term is used to describe pasta or rice that is cooked to be firm to the bite?

(Al dente)

Which City is the Leaning Tower of Pisa located in?


SPELL: Acrylic.

(A C R Y L I C)

What word is used to describe a mass of snow, ice and rocks rolling rapidly down a mountainside? (Avalanche)