$1,000 Minute Game – Wed, June 22nd – 2PM
1.) What element is used to fill a balloon to make it float? (Helium)
2.) Which Disney film does the ‘Cheshire Cat’ appear in? (Alice In Wonderland)
3.) Beefsteak, Cherry, and Roma are all different varieties of what food? (Tomatoes)
4.) In Ancient Egypt, they used pictures as their formal writing system, which is known as what? (Hieroglyphs/Hieroglyphics)
5.) SPELL: Campaign. (C A M P A I G N)
6.) What famous ship sank in 1912? (The Titanic)
7.) Who in Hollywood is known as ‘The Voice of God’? (Morgan Freeman)
8.) Charlie was supposed to meet her friends at 6:15pm. If she’s an hour and 15 minutes late, what time did she arrive at? (7:30pm)
9.) What type of clock is named after a family member? (Grandfather Clock)
10.) Name the Europop music group, best known for their 1997 single ‘Barbie Girl’. (Aqua)
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