A 13-Year-Old’s Bucket List Is the Perfect Mix of Ambition, Chaos, and Whimsy

Parents, if you’ve ever stumbled across a secret bucket list written by your kid, you know it’s like peering into their wildest dreams and ambitions.
While snooping isn’t recommended (unless necessary), this viral list from a 13-year-old is giving the internet a much-needed laugh—and some inspiration too.
An anonymous parent shared the list online, confessing, “I’ve realized I need to rethink my entire life.” Why? Because their child’s bucket list is a chaotic masterpiece of imagination and audacity. From scientific discovery to personal reinvention, this kid is shooting for the stars (and goblins).
Let’s dive into the epic list:
- Get a full taxidermy alligator. (Starting strong, with swampy vibes.)
- Go to New Zealand. (Because of hobbits?)
- Become a published author.
- Discover a new species. (And potentially name it after themselves?)
- Eat an octopus.
- Befriend a binturong. (If you don’t know, that’s a bearcat—and yes, it’s real.)
- Get a cool Jeep.
- Have a YouTube channel.
- Prove the existence of goblins. (Big cryptid energy here.)
- Meet J.K. Rowling.
- Become the world’s leading expert on Redwall. (Shoutout to fellow fans of Brian Jacques’ fantasy series.)
- Legally change my name. The current name is “very common,” so they’re considering something like Trevor Bartholomew Dunglepants the Third. Iconic.
- Get married.
- Save an animal species.
- Go on a fossil dig.
- Go snorkelling with a shark. (Adventurous or unhinged? You decide.)
- Help make a movie.
- Meet an alien.
- Become a millionaire.
- Beat up someone. (Okay, we might need to have a little chat about this one.)
Related: The Anti-Bucket List
Ambition Meets Pure Creativity
The internet can’t get enough of this list, and honestly, it’s not hard to see why. As one commenter hilariously pointed out, “This kid is GOING PLACES. Specifically, New Zealand.”
What makes this list so relatable is that it strikes a balance between achievable goals (like becoming a millionaire or saving a species) and hilariously impossible dreams (meeting an alien or finding goblins). Honestly, it’s a reminder to dream big—whether that means snorkelling with sharks or befriending a binturong.
Dream Big, Mr. Dunglepants
This kid, affectionately dubbed Trevor Bartholomew Dunglepants the Third by the internet, has no shortage of creativity or ambition. Sure, some of these ideas may seem impossible, but who’s to say this 13-year-old won’t run the table and make every dream on this list come true?
To anyone reading this: What’s on your bucket list? And more importantly, are you ready to live like Mr. Dunglepants and prove goblins are real?
Dream big, millennials. If a 13-year-old can aim for the stars, so can you.
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