99% Of The World Is Breathing Toxic Air!

Nearly every human on the planet breathes air that does not meet quality standards set by global health officials.
The new data comes from a survey of over 6,000 municipalities in more than 100 countries across the world, according to an update from the World Health Organization on Monday, which recently tightened its guidelines for air quality as it hopes to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels for energy.
Pollution stemming from the combustion of coal, crude oil and natural gas is known to cause short- and long-term respiratory illnesses, such as coughing, wheezing and chronic asthma, and may be linked to other diseases.
Some areas have recently shown levels of atmospheric dust that were three to four times over the minimum standard of 50 micrograms per square meter.
After surviving a pandemic, it is unacceptable to still have 7 million preventable deaths and countless preventable lost years of good health due to air pollution, says the WHO!
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Other Everyday Things That May Be Bad For You
Health risks can sometimes turn up in the most unexpected places. From getting licked by your dog to checking social media, researchers are uncovering hidden hazards that may be lurking in our daily lives that may cause people harm or be unsafe.
Here are nine things you might do or experience while going about your day that could affect your health in surprising ways.
Going gluten-free! (If not for a health reason)
Getting too much sleep
Taking Vitamins
Sitting all-day
using A smartphone
Logging on to social media
Drinking diet pop
Receiving doggie kisses
Owning other pets like Chickens
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