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It's too hard, LOL!
Published November 9, 2021
It's too hard, LOL!

Have you ever tripped over your tongue trying to say something simple? Well, get ready to tie your tongue in knots with some of the trickiest tongue twisters out there!

International Tongue Twister Day might have passed on November 8th, but that doesn't mean we can't celebrate the hilarious challenge (and potential frustration) these phrases bring. So, buckle up and see if you can master these mind-bending mouthfuls!

We're starting off easy (or are we?):

1. “She sells seashells by the seashore.” This classic might seem simple, but those pesky "s" sounds can catch you off guard.

2. “He threw three free throws.” Can you say it ten times fast? Probably not, but that's the beauty (or torture) of a good tongue twister.

3. "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood." When was the last time you heard this classic?

Now, let's get a little more complex:

4. “Betty bought a bit of butter. But the butter Betty bought was bitter. So Betty bought a better butter, and it was better than the butter Betty bought before.” This one is a mouthful, literally! Try saying it without messing up and you deserve a gold star (or maybe a vat of that better butter).

5. “Is it harder to toot, or to tutor two tooters to toot?” This playful phrase is a fun way to test your "t" and "oo" sounds.

Feeling confident? Buckle up for these speed demons:

    6.  “Scissors sizzle, thistles sizzle.” See how many times you can say this one before your tongue goes on strike.

    7. “Fred fed Ted bread and Ted fed Fred bread.” This one's a fun play on similar-sounding names.

    8. “A skunk sat on a stump and thunk the stump stunk, but the stump thunk the skunk stunk.” Can you keep track of who thinks what stinks?

    9. “A synonym for cinnamon is a cinnamon synonym.” This one is a bit of a brain twister, relying less on tongue speed and more on wordplay.

    Now, let's get really challenging:

    10. “The sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick.” The Guinness Book of World Records once claimed this was the hardest tongue twister. (Careful, this might result in some accidental S-words!)

    11. “Pad kid poured curd pulled cod.” According to researchers at M.I.T., this one might actually be harder.

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