Tips To Help You Get Back To Sleep If You Keep Waking Up Through The Night!
If you wake up, it can be difficult to fall back to sleep without worrying about missing your alarm.
Experts reveal a few ways that can help you fall back to sleep and get a decent sleep.
First, avoid bathroom breaks.
Try to stay in bed even if you think you may have to pee. The trick is to stay snug in your beg because if you leave the warmth, your heart has to pump more blood around the body. You want a resting heart rate to fall asleep, which is harder to achieve if you’re moving around.
Stop clock-watching
One thing we all can be guilty of is checking our watch or phone when we wake up in the middle of the night. The anxiety of watching the clock can keep you awake longer.
Ditch the booze
A glass or two of wine, or a sip or two of brandy, for many, is a pre-bed ritual and can help you drift off, but it can ruin the quality of your sleep. That's because alcohol blocks tryptophan - an amino acid that helps you sleep - from getting to the brain.
Keep your pets out of your bed
They can rob us of that vital rem time - not just because they fidget about, but also because of fur shedding. On top of this, sleeping with a furry friend can also aggravate allergies or asthma in those susceptible to it.
You might feel like having a warm, cozy house is one of the only comforts in the colder months – but this can disrupt sleep. We need to lose around 1C of our internal body temperature, which sits at around 37C - to drift off. If you're in a room that's too warm, your body can't dump that excess heat - and that means that your sleep will be disturbed. Turn the heating off in your bedroom and instead use duvets, blankets and breathable bed linen to help regulate your body temperature.
Related: One in four married couples are sleeping in separate beds...
- Younger adults (18-25): Sleep range is 7-9 hours (new age category)
- Adults (26-64): Sleep range did not change and remains 7-9 hours
- Older adults (65+): Sleep range is 7-8 hours (new age category)
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