Some people are experts at flirting. Others, never flirt or fail spectacularly. But what kind of flirting works best?
One particular flirting technique almost always works for everyone!
According to a Professor of Psychology, "Flirting involves different signals that people send to each other. It's done to attract potential partners. Men and women both flirt to get the attention of the desired partner, and perhaps to achieve a sexual or romantic result from it," says Professor Kennair from a New York State University.
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We flirt verbally as well as non-verbally.
But the most powerful weapon in the flirtation arsenal might come as a surprise to people who don't have it. This weapon almost always works to some degree for everyone: Humour.
"People think that humour, or being able to make another person laugh, is most effective for men who are looking for a long-term relationship. It's least effective for women who are looking for a one-night stand. But laughing or giggling at the other person's jokes is an effective flirtation tactic for both sexes," says Kennair.
If you aren’t the funniest person, then smiling and eye contact also works, sometimes! Just try not to appear creepy!
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