Most kids only have a few weeks left of school before summer hits. So someone looked at the top end-of-school traditions we do.
2,000 moms with kids aged five to 12 were polled, and just under two-thirds said they have at least one tradition. Here are eight of them that people said they do each year, or have done before.
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1. Taking a photo of your kids at the end of each grade? 50% do it. So look forward to lots of those photos on Facebook.
2. Taking their old homework or workbooks and BURNING them, 49%.
3. Writing thank-you notes to teachers, 48%.
4. Putting school-related stuff in storage, or a closet. 46%.
5. Getting ice cream, 43%.
6. Decorating the sidewalk with chalk art, 40%.
7. Throwing an end-of-school party, 38%.
8. Making s’mores, 36%.
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