This Is How Much Money You Need To Be Rich!
According to a Perceptions of Prosperity study, 51% of people believe that they are on track to being rich! Most people think they will one day be rich. Do you feel that you are on the same path?
Just what is considered wealthy, anyway? A survey was done of people from a cross-section of generations, income brackets and locations to find out!
The survey found, that of the people who believed the rich are investing in cryptocurrency, nearly 7 out of 10 believed they are investing in bitcoin, and 8 out of 10 believed they're investing in the metaverse.
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Respondents perceive the average cost of a rich person's home to be just under $2 million.
People who believe they’re on track to becoming rich have debt roughly a third or more the size of their annual income. When it comes to determining what being rich means, most people, to some extent, think of how much money an individual accumulates.
When it comes to determining what being rich means, most people, to some extent, think of how much money an individual accumulates. What Rich People Spend Their Money On According to the Survey:
Golf, Sailing, Private Flying, Exclusive Parties, and skiing rounded out the top five activities…
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