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Save Big on Groceries with These 10 Easy Hacks

Chicken is so expensive!
Published July 5, 2023

We all know that grocery shopping can sometimes feel like a heavy hit to the wallet.

While some of us might be getting a grocery rebate this week (woohoo!), many are still looking for ways to cut costs at the checkout. Don’t worry—we've got you covered with some pro tips from a food guru that could slice your grocery bill in half. Ready to become a savvy shopper? Let’s dive in!

Top 10 Ultimate Food Shopping Hacks

  1. Stick to a Shopping List: Start with a game plan! Before heading out, raid your cupboards and fridge freezer to see what you already have. This helps you avoid buying duplicates and ensures you use up what you’ve got.
  2. Downsize Your Cart: Opt for a half-size shopping cart. Less space means less room for those tempting impulse buys.
  3. Master Your Store Route: Begin your shopping journey at the reduced section, then hit the frozen food aisles, move on to canned goods, and finally, grab your fresh foods. This way, you’re more likely to snag those hidden deals.
  4. Look Low: Products placed on lower shelves are often non-branded and cheaper. Don’t forget to crouch down and explore!
  5. Check Cost per 100g/100ml: Sometimes smaller items are a better deal. Always compare the cost per unit displayed on the shelf label to make sure you’re getting the best bang for your buck.
  6. Love the Frozen Food Aisle: Frozen foods are your new BFF. They’re picked and frozen at peak freshness, meaning they retain nutrients and usually cost less than their fresh counterparts.
  7. Batch Cooking FTW: Cook once, eat twice (or thrice!). Make double portions of meals and freeze the extras. This saves time and money in the long run.
  8. Go Meat-Free Sometimes: Meat can be pricey. Try incorporating more meat-free recipes into your diet. Ingredients like lentils, beans, and tofu are not only cheaper but also pack a nutritional punch.
  9. Utilize Vouchers and Coupons: Don’t shy away from using shopping vouchers, apps, and coupons. They can offer significant discounts and savings on items you already buy.
  10. Join Loyalty Programs: Sign up for supermarket loyalty programs and apps to earn rewards, get discounts, and even cash back on your purchases.

By following these simple yet effective tips, you can make your grocery shopping experience more cost-effective and less stressful.

So, next time you head to the store, remember these hacks and watch your savings grow. Happy shopping!

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