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Science Says, ‘Cheese Isn’t That Bad For You’

Go ahead, and cut the cheese!
Published February 23, 2021
Go ahead, and cut the cheese!

Cheese is one of the things you can eat when on the very popular Keto diet.  But for years prior there was some misguided information telling people that cheese was fattening.


Turns out, the foods that really make you gain weight are refined grains, potatoes, and processed meats.


A recent study found that cheese didn't cause people to gain weight, and sometimes it even helped people LOSE fat.


The dean of the Tufts School of Nutrition Science in Massachusetts says, quote, "There's almost no evidence cheese causes weight gain, and in fact, there's evidence that it's neutral at worst."


There's no evidence that cheese is linked to cardiovascular disease, and in some studies, it's even a little bit associated with lower risk.

The Healthiest Types of Cheese
  1. Mozzarella. Mozzarella is a soft, white cheese with high moisture content. ...
  2. Blue Cheese. Blue cheese is made from cow, goat, or sheep's milk that has been cured with cultures from the mold Penicillium ( 10 ). ...
  3. Feta. Share on Pinterest. ...
  4. Cottage Cheese. ...
  5. Ricotta. ...
  6. Parmesan. ...
  7. Swiss. ...
  8. Cheddar.


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