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Cereal Box Prizes are Back!

General Mills is bringing us back to our childhoods!
Published March 22, 2021
General Mills is bringing us back to our childhoods!

"Did you know they used to put toys in cereal boxes?"

Recently, our almost-5 year-old son found an old cereal box prize in a stash of toys my husband had saved from his childhood. What he found was rather fancy : a Tony the Tiger alarm clock with a button that shines the time onto a wall or ceiling. I'm actually not sure if it came in the cereal box or was one of those toys you had to send away for. But, either way, our son is now smitten with the idea of cereal box prizes.

Good news!

General Mills Canada is adding prizes back to select cereal boxes.

Fawad Farrukh, Director of Marketing for Cereal at General Mills Canada, says, "By bringing back this familiar tradition, we want to generate excitement amongst Canadians, add some entertainment to the breakfast table, and take consumers back to the simpler days of their youth."

Look for colour changing spoons in select boxes of Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Lucky Charms.

I think I remember these spoons from the first time around in the 90s. What about you?

What cereal box prizes do you remember?

I remember a very simple little toy that would probably be banned now for safety reasons: mini-poppers or jumping poppers. They're like a tiny hollow ball that has been cut in half. You turn it inside out then set on the table and wait for it to pop up into the air.


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