The Majority Of People Are Neglecting Physical Health Due To Work
Nine in 10 check emails outside of working hours every day! I think many of us are guilty of this! Stress from the pandemic has without a doubt caused people to stop looking after themselves.
A study by AVIVA of workers in the UK tracked employees’ experiences from before the first lockdown to now, using regular surveys, and found that 58% reported neglecting their physical health due to being too busy at work. This has also led to a lack of life satisfaction over the past year, from 67% in February 2020 to 57% in March of 2021. Anxiety levels are up too with almost 30% of people saying they feel anxious day-to-day.
One of the study’s authors says, ‘elements of our lives which were previously certain are overlapping and changing beyond recognition.’
How to Stop Sacrificing Your Health For Your Work!
- Make a commitment to leave work on time most days, even if work is from home. Set a time, and stop.
- Book in some wellness-focused time. Try to find at least 20 minutes for a fitness routine or meditation.
- Prioritize Sleep! Plenty of sleep throughout the week will help reduce sleep so you can feel rested and less tired.
- Turn off Notifications
- Find A Hobby
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