According To Experts, Happy Couples Hardly Ever Do These 8 Things

According to a couple’s therapist, there are reasons why some couples are happier than others.
For what it’s worth, even the happiest of couples slip up once in a while, although rarely. So if you want to be happy for the rest of your life… Try these suggestions…
Don’t shy away from tough conversations…
No matter how compatible they are, no two partners are going to see eye-to-eye on every issue; disagreements will inevitably arise. Rather than sweeping their feelings under the rug to avoid a hard conversation, happy couples are capable of talking openly and honestly about the touchy stuff, like money, in-laws, parenting, sex and everything in between.
They don’t keep score…
Happy partners don’t act like “emotional accountants,” carefully tallying each other’s good and bad deeds. Scorekeeping sounds like: ‘I always do this for them, but they never do it for me in return,’ or ‘Last week I said this four times, but they only said it once- does this sound like you?
They Don’t Hold Grudges…
Unhappy couples allow frustrations and disappointments to create distance between them, whereas happy ones “accept that neither they nor their partners are perfect.” “They’re willing to apologize and forgive.”
They Don’t Call Each Other Names…
Even in the heat of the moment, happy couples rarely, if ever, resort to name-calling because they understand that kind of communication is counterproductive and leads to “defensiveness, negativity and resentment…
They Don’t Snoop!
When there’s openness and trust in a relationship, the idea of digging through your partner’s text messages or email just isn’t all that enticing.
They Don’t Lie To Each Other…
Healthy couples can be open and honest with one another — they don’t lie directly or by omission.
They Don’t treat their Partner like an opponent!
Happy couples remind each other regularly that they’re on the same team…They don’t view situations through a winner-loser lens…
They Don’t take each other for granted…
When you’ve been together awhile, it’s easy to get comfortable in a relationship and stop making an effort like you did in the honeymoon phase. Some couples eventually put the relationship on autopilot, while the happiest ones are intentional about going out of their way to nurture their connection.
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