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New TLC Show ‘Addicted to Marriage’

One woman has been married 11 times and counting!
Published November 17, 2021
One woman has been married 11 times and counting!

The show premiered last night (November 16th) on TLC and featured four women in various parts of the United States who can’t seem to stop tying the knot!



One Utah woman has been married 11 times, while an Idaho woman is ashamed to admit to her partner that he’d be her fifth marriage if they head for the altar. In New Jersey, a divorce lawyer proudly owns her multiple-divorce past. In California, an influencer has been married only twice, which seems minor in comparison … but she’s just 30 years old.



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The lady married 11 times has a decent reason for walking down the aisle so many times.  She explains to the New York Post, “I was raised in a family where it was very Christian and you couldn’t have sex outside of marriage. And so in order to get that, I had to get married,” Dias told The Post.



This was the driving factor behind at least seven of her 11 marriages, she said. “I would be dating a guy for a couple of months, and when you can’t have sex they’re like, ‘Oh, let’s get married.’” Her shortest marriage with six weeks and longest was 10 years.



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