Burn-Away Cakes Are The Hot New Trend on Social Media

There’s always a new food trend cooking on TikTok, and the latest to take over the feeds is the burn-away celebration cake.
The desserts initially appear ordinary with edible photos printed over the frosted top — until a match is put to the top layer, burning it off and revealing another image underneath.
Burn-away cakes have lit up TikTok since the beginning of January, and the tag #burnawaycake has already raked up 154 million views.
Ontario-based baker Namaya Navaratnarajah, who posts her creations as @cakesbynams on both TikTok and Instagram, was the one who ignited the trend.
While her very first cake didn’t go viral, she still found the concept to be amazing and decided to do it again — this time for a “RIP 20s, Hello 30s” theme, Navaratnarajah told The Post — which is when she coined the term “burn-away cake.”
Essentially the idea consists of stacking a couple of printed edible sheets on top of each other and lighting the paper on top of the cake on fire to reveal what is shown on the sheet below it…
It’s kinda like those pens you get in Vegas- that show a guy or girl with clothing on- but flip it over- they are nude…But for cakes!
Here’s How It Works!
Use wafer paper (which comes in plain and vanilla), frosting sheets, and edible ink cartridges in an edible ink printer.
The wafer paper is used for the top layer of the cake — the image that will be burned. It’s made primarily of potato starch and olive oil, allowing for an easy burn.
Frosting sheets are used for the image that will be revealed under the burning image. These sheets have a thicker consistency, consisting of white icing mostly made of sugar, which helps it stay virtually intact.
The edible ink cartridges and printer were used to print the images onto the frosting sheet and wafer paper.
There are tutorials all over social media showing how to make a burn-away cake on your own, ensuring your next party will be fire — literally.
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