Charlie's New Year's Resolutions for 2024!

New Year, New Me... Yah, right! Every year, I try and stick to doable resolutions... I usually have several goals I set for myself so I'm not disappointed when I fail most of them...
Here are my resolutions for 2024!
I told my teens that one of my resolutions was to give them more hugs. My son looked me dead in the eye and said, “But not in public, right?” So my 2024 mission is to give him more hugs in public…
I made a New Year’s resolution last year for people to stop driving stupidly along Big Bay Point… But it didn’t work. Fingers crossed for 2024!
As a parent of two teenage boys, I resolve to give less than 30% of my salary to the Nike Track pants department…
Other goals include:
To order every drink on the Tim Horton’s Menu
Flamingo a Friend’s yard for their birthday
Stop blaming my farts on the dogs…
Wash my car more...
Spend a night ending every sip of my drink with an enthusiastic, “Ahhhhh, baby!”
And finally…. I’d like to sexy slow dance…
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