Do we really need cell phones turned on in class?

Here comes the debate over cellphones in the classroom. An article in the Orillia Packet […]

Here comes the debate over cellphones in the classroom. An article in the Orillia Packet and Times ponders whether we need stricter rules for cellphones in schools. What do you think? I know parents like the ability to be in touch with their kids at any point during the day, but how disruptive does that become in a class of 30+ kids? Has the fear of what might happen over taken our ability to think calmly? And what about the kids…do you really believe that if their smart phones are on they’re only on to receive texts from Mom or Dad??? Yeah right. Well, what do you think, because this issue could be coming to a head here in Ontario and Simcoe County sooner rather than later. Should phones be banned in the classroom or at the very least turned off?