Doctor Shares Life-Changing Technique For Clearing A Stuffy Nose In Seconds

One of the worst parts about having a cold is the stuffiness. The airways in your nose are frustratingly blocked and your head throbs from all the pressure on your sinus cavities. While nose sprays and decongestants might offer you relief, you have to wait for them to work and sometimes they don't.
Well, even though it is summer, colds still happen, and one doctor is sharing his method to clear out clogged sinuses and nostrils in mere seconds.
His name is Dr. Mandell and in a video on YouTube, he first details how to quickly drain your sinuses, simply by placing your thumb on your cheekbone, pushing it in and then outward, and pulling on your ear. After a few seconds, your misery should end.
As for the stuffy nose, that technique requires squeezing your nose closed, taking in a deep breath and holding it as you tilt your head back. according to the doc, doing this will send a message to your brain that will cause a reflex to drain and open up your nasal area.
The doctor describes the method as "like magic" and notes you can do it as often as you need to.
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