Dreading Christmas? Here’s How To COPE!
According to a recent study by Harvard Medical School, 62% of people experience higher stress levels during this time of year.
And for those with pre-existing mental health conditions, the holidays can become unbearably anxiety-inducing, with 64% claiming that Christmas worsens their conditions.
If your everyday life is stressful, Christmas can feel like a part-time job!
This can lead to feelings of festive fatigue, especially as we head to the end of another long year compounded by the stress of the Covid-19 pandemic and the cost of living crisis.
So Here’s How You Can Deal With Christmas If you Find It A Struggle!
1. When these feelings arise – acknowledge them, and understand what they are telling you so you can find the reassurance you need. (I NEED WINE)
2. Increase your self-care at this time of year. We all need a little more love and attention. (CHOCOLATE)
3. Decide what is important to you this festive season and establish your boundaries accordingly. (AVOID DRUNK UNCLE)
4. Be prepared for situations where you are aware you may be triggered. (AVOID HUSBAND)
5. Prioritize your schedule, so you avoid getting overwhelmed and burnt out.
6. Reach out for support, delegate, and, importantly accept help!
7. permit yourself to say no.
(No, I Don’t want to wear that outfit you bought me from Victoria's Secret)
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