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Experts Say, Wearing This Item To Bed is Worse than Sleeping in a Toilet!

Getting dirty between the sheets now has a whole new meaning
Published September 15, 2023

As the temps start to drop, a lot of us turn to this piece of clothing to keep cozy…

Researchers are urging people to stop wearing unclean socks to bed after discovering that they often contain the same bacteria found in cockroaches and their fecal droppings.

A poll revealed that 18% of people wear socks to bed and a sickening 70% of those sock-wearers don’t bother changing into a clean pair before bed, instead staying in the same pair that they’ve worn all day long.


Researchers swabbed stinky socks worn by people from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. and found disgusting bacteria that cause infections in humans. 

It typically infects the airway and urinary tract and causes infection of the lungs, warns the experts.

Researchers also discovered that some socks were even dirtier than uncleaned TV remotes — no small feat given that those devices are dirtier than a toilet!

So note this, you smelly sock wearers… You are spreading these bacteria onto your bed sheets. And if that’s not bad enough; the experts also added that feet have around 250,000 sweat glands meaning that moisture can build up in dirty socks creating fungi known as dermatophytes that can cause Athlete’s Foot.

researchers advised people who want to cover up their tootsies to put on a fresh pair of socks before sleeping.

They also urged all readers to wash their dirty socks at temperatures above 140 degrees Fahrenheit to kill all bacteria.

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