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Foods that Gastro Doctors Never Eat!

Everything in moderation!
Published March 24, 2023

We all indulge once in a while. After a long week, it’s normal to reward yourself with a pizza or a giant bowl of ice cream.

But there are certain foods that gastroenterologists — doctors who specialize in keeping your gut and digestive tract healthy — avoid 99% (and sometimes 100%) of the time. 

None of these foods will take years off your life if you eat them now and then, but there are certain foods GI docs rarely eat. Here are six of them. 

Protein Bars
The gastro doc says she never eats the highly processed ones. In particular, super-processed protein bars can lead to bloating and gas.

Red meat and processed meat increase the risk of colon cancer and colon polyps. Also FYI, eating processed meats, such as hot dogs, four or more times per week can result in as high as a 20% increased risk of colon cancer.

Hot dogs and processed meats
The docs say to steer clear of processed meats like these — and sadly, cold cuts count, too. “Red and processed meats have a higher risk of colorectal cancer,” she said. “Data has linked the ingestion of red and processed meats four or more times per week to as high as a 20% increased risk of colon cancer.”

Deep-fried fish or chicken
Studies have shown that frying oil could adversely modulate the gut microbiome, leading to exacerbation of atherosclerosis (buildup of fat and other substances on the artery walls.

While they can be easy on the way down, these sugary drinks are linked to chronic conditions as well, such as diabetes and heart disease. In addition, they are often associated with triggering gastrointestinal symptoms of bloating, burping and reflux, particularly when combined in their carbonated and caffeinated forms.

White Bread
Studies that have evaluated dietary patterns have clearly shown that a high intake of red and processed meat and refined grains is associated with an increased risk of [inflammatory pouches in the digestive tract] called diverticulitis,” she said. “Contrary to what was thought earlier, nuts, corn, and popcorn are not associated with an increase in the risk of developing diverticulosis, or complications like diverticulitis or bleeding.

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