With holiday get-togethers on the horizon, it’s not uncommon to be struck by F.O.B.B. (fear of bad breath) this time of year.
In fact, according to a new survey commissioned by Scope Squeeze, more than half of Canadians claim they behave differently in a social situation or public setting if they feel their breath smells bad.
Luckily, there is a portable solution for long-lasting breath! Scope Squeez mouthwash, holding up to 50 uses to keep you fresh when and where you need…
It makes for the perfect office staple, holiday party accessory, stocking stuffer, or carry-on item for your winter travels.
A few facts about fresh breath:
While gum is often a solution for a quick breath fix, an overwhelming majority of Canadians have been annoyed at people who were chewing gum too loudly or in the wrong situation.
71% of Canadians feel that if a professional had to be physically close to them (such as a dentist, or perhaps a radio DJ...)had bad breath, they would consider switching to someone else. Maybe more polite than telling them to their face?
More than half (58%) of Canadians have behaved differently in a social situation or public setting because they thought their breath might smell bad.
The vast majority (94%) of Canadians agree they would tell a friend if they had something between their teeth.
Women (97%) are significantly more likely than men (91%) to tell a friend if they have something between their teeth.
More than four in five (83%) Canadians would want someone to tell them if they had bad breath.
Men (85%) are significantly more likely than women (81%) to want to know this.
While most Canadians would want someone to tell them if they had bad breath, slightly more than half (55%) would tell a friend if they had bad breath.
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