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Hanging Out With Friends Twice A Week Can Boost Your Immune System!

Bestie's will out live your spouse!
Published February 23, 2023

A University of Oxford study found women’s overall health improved when they spent time with four best friends twice a week. Joking and laughing seemed to be the best activities.

Health benefits included a stronger immune system, faster recovery times, and increased generosity.

“These activities buffer the body biochemically and immunologically against the kinds of coughs and colds of everyday life,” Psychologist Robin Dunbar explained.

Unfortunately, only two out of five women have time to socialize this much, and less so once they have kids. 

The health benefits from these regular friend dates included a stronger immune system, faster recovery times from illness, a decrease in anxiety, and an increase in generosity. The optimal way to make the most of these benefits was to meet with up to four friends, any more and the probability of generating the necessary endorphins for happiness was decreased.

Despite all the benefits, the study found that only two out of five women have the time to go out with friends once a week and less so once they have kids. It’s not easy to make time for yourself, but making the effort for mom’s night out is worth it.

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