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Holiday Dinner Would You Rather

Tough call!
Published November 23, 2023

1.  Would you rather spend Christmas with your mom’s side of the family, or your dad’s?  More than 10,000 people responded, and two-thirds, 67%, said they would pick their mom’s side.

2.  Would you rather work on Christmas or Boxing Day?  66% said boxing day.  (It’s unclear how many of those people work in retail.  Also:  Those were the only two choices.  There wasn’t a “neither” option.)

3.  Turkey or ham?  72% of people said turkey.

4.  Canned cranberry or homemade cranberry?  71% said homemade.  (We recently found out that people who love homemade cranberry sauce are more likely to get a cranberry-themed tattoo than fans of canned.)

5.  Would you rather COOK Christmas dinner, or CLEAN UP afterwards?  77% would rather cook.

6.  Do you dress up at Christmas or wear comfortable clothes?  56% said comfy clothes.

7.  Stuffing or mashed potatoes?  59% said mashed potatoes.  (This seems like an UPSET, or am I underestimating potatoes?)

8.  Would you rather host a Christmas dinner or ATTEND one?  72% said they’d prefer NOT to host.

9.  Apple or blueberry pie?  56% said apple.

10.  Napping after Christmas dinner or “staying active”?  70% of people said they’re probably going to need a nap.

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