How Many Calories Does A Fart Burn?

The internet asks some interesting questions. Some are amusing, some are absurd, and some are quite thought-provoking. "Does farting burn calories?" is one question the internet (Reddit and Facebook in particular) asked in 2012.
According to a widely shared social media post, the average person could burn up to 67 calories by farting just once (via Women's Health).
Is this accurate? Because if it were there would be a lot more ladies, breaking wind during bikini season!
According to a New York-based nutritionist, tooting, which she defined as expelling excess gas in your digestive system through your anus, is an activity that occurs when your muscles relax (per Health). For someone to burn calories, there has to be muscle activation, not inaction.
So no, letting it rip is not one of those strange things you didn't know helped you burn calories.
With that said, passing gas can sometimes make you feel instantly lighter and less bloated.
Some of the things we eat and drink — like cruciferous vegetables, carbonated beverages, and lactose — can cause us to feel bloated. Farting is typically one way to make ourselves feel better (and lighter) in situations like these.
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