How Much You Will Need To Work To Afford MLB Tickets!

According to a recent poll, 47% of people plan to attend a major league baseball game this year.
58% prefer to watch MLB games in person instead of on TV.
35% aren’t going to many or any games this year because of the economy.
58% of people agree it’s hard to go to a professional game due to the cost.
So how many hours would you have to work to catch A Toronto Blue Jays game?
The average Jays ticket will set you back $32.03! The average hourly wage is around $22 per/hour. If you were to buy three tickets, you’d have to work about 4 hours to afford to go. This does not include, the cost to park, eat or drink!
The poll found that baseball fans are willing to spend more on food, drinks, closer parking and team swag!
Baseball fans say they would give up, fast food, going out to eat, alcohol and morning coffee to save money for an MLB game.
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