It Takes Adults This Many Weeks To Prepare For The Holidays…

Between planning and decorating, it takes the average adult six weeks to prepare for the holiday season.
According to a new poll of 2,000 U.S. adults who celebrate a winter holiday, planning takes the majority of those six weeks.
The average person will spend about five weeks, planning presents and meals for the holiday season and take an additional seven days decorating…
And for all that goes into decking their halls, 22% of respondents admit that they spend more time planning and putting up their decorations than they do relaxing and enjoying them.
We’re about 10 days from Christmas, so how’s your holiday shopping coming along? If you’re out buying gifts for the trash collector, you must be doing pretty well.
In a new survey, 89% of people say they’ve bought gifts for people at the very last minute. And not surprisingly, those are usually not for your significant other, or you wouldn’t admit to it.
32% of people have bought last-minute gifts for friends.
27% have gone down to the wire to get gifts for extended family. And 17% say they’ve shopped late for their siblings.
13% of people say they have run out to get small, last-minute gifts for postal carriers and trash collectors, and 5% have picked up a present for their kids’ teachers, right before the school’s holiday break.
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