Jimmy Fallon Apologizes To His Staff After Reports Of Behaviour Creating a “Toxic workplace”

A damning report published by Rolling Stone based on two current and 14 former employees of "The Tonight Show" has brought some ugly drama to the surface.
Former employees said they were "belittled and intimidated" by their bosses, including Fallon himself. They recalled the "pretty glum atmosphere" left staffers worried about Fallon's "outbursts" and "unexpected, inconsistent" behaviour.
Despite many employees voicing their concerns in HR complaints, problems allegedly continued.
Seven former employees admitted their mental health deteriorated because of the "toxic" workplace environment.
Fallon has since apologized to his staff following the story coming out. "It’s embarrassing, and I feel so bad," Fallon said, according to two employees who were on the Zoom call Thursday evening, per Rolling Stone. "Sorry if I embarrassed you and your family and friends… I feel so bad I can’t even tell you."
The anonymous staffers told Rolling Stone Fallon said he did not intend to "create that type of atmosphere for the show."
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