Men Are Calling Out Other Men For Their Toxic Behaviour!

"If you have to declare that you are a nice guy or that you are an 'alpha,' you are neither of those things.”
Redditor u/ThatOneHuman37 asked, "Men, what do you hate about men?”
Here are the most popular things shared:
"Bragging. Just stop. You look like a tool and, yes, it's the reason nobody likes you.”
“One thing that absolutely drives me up the wall is intentional incompetence — usually to get out of doing housework — where a dude will intentionally f*** up laundry or cooking so that his partner never asks for his help again.”
"That you need to be an asshole to get women. Be good at something. Be funny. Ask questions. That's it. It's not rocket science. If a girl doesn't like you, move on.”
"Being proud of cheating but expecting fellow men to be silent about it because of 'bro code.’”
"If you have to declare that you are a nice guy or that you are an 'alpha,' you are neither of those things.”
"I don't want to fight you because we accidentally bumped into each other (or your girl). When I said, 'Excuse me, sorry,' I meant it. F***ing relax.”
“ I hate men who have a constant commitment to the ‘tough guy’ act.”
And finally, "I hate the 'ball and chain' humour. I'm at the age now where a bunch of my friends are getting married and it just started all of a sudden. I'm getting married soon and I've had so many of my friends tell me, 'It's all downhill from here!' They're obviously joking, but it's just not funny. I don't like thinking of marriage as a battle between two opposing forces. I love my partner and enjoy our life together. I genuinely don't see the humour in constantly making fun of the person who's always supposed to have your back, and vice versa."
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