No Cheering During The Super Bowl! Use Noise Makers Instead!

This event could be a super spreader!

The CDC thinks it’s a bad idea to cheer during the Super Bowl.  If you watch the Super Bowl with other people, the CDC is recommending that you use a noisemaker instead of yelling or screaming to cut down on the risk of spreading your droplets.


Health experts say that the safest way to enjoy the Super Bowl is at home with the people you live with only.  


While in some parts of North America, restrictions aren’t as tight, the CDC is offering a few tips to enjoy the game safely.

Experts suggest that fans should wear a mask indoors and outdoors, except when eating or drinking. 


In cold weather, masks should be worn underneath scarves or ski masks, and people should carry a spare mask in case the first one gets wet from snow or rain.


At any event, even outdoors, people should avoid close contact with anyone who is not part of their household.  This means no high-fiving, or hugging when your team makes a great play!